Awami League was baited to form the King's Party!

According to confidential sources, the Trinamool BNP requested a fund of five hundred million taka for the election. Which was not given from any government source. Because it was not considered credible for them to contest the election with this huge amount. Rather, they believed that this money would be spent for their last moment, which was considered a logical reason by the government sources.
The caretaker government of 1/11 was the first implement the formation of the Kings Party. The principle leaders of the 1/11 government of Bangladesh (2007-2009), created two Kings Parties by Dr. Yunus and Ferdous Ahmed Kureshi. Since then, the topic of the Kings Party has often come up in discussions.
Recently, before the Twelfth National Elections, the emergence of several parties, including the Trinamool BNP, BNM, etc., was noticed. At that time, it was assumed that these parties were coming forward due to the weak signals from the Awami League. Therefore, they were referred to as the Kings Party.
However, it has been revealed in various incidents recently that the credit for the formation of the Kings Party was given to the Awami League. However, the government did not support it.
Various sources indicate that the government took the initiative to form the Kings Party to make the election participatory and competitive. However, in reality, it was Major Hafiz, Colonel Ali Ahmed, and several other leaders of the BNP who provided the government with a challenge for a competitive election. In return, some demanded a hundred crore rupees, while others claimed various businesses, sports, loans, or the guarantee of victory in the election.
At that time, the Awami League's Think Tank said that these party-defectors are usually seen as disgraced by the public and do not hold much importance in the field of votes. Their presence does not make the election competitive, so there is no need to involve them in the tainted election.
Instead, it was easy for the government to think that if the numerous rebellious candidates of the Awami League sacrifice their lives to win, then if they are allowed to enter the election field, it will be favorable for the Awami League. And that's what happened in the second method of the Awami League.
According to confidential sources, the Trinamool BNP requested a fund of five hundred million taka for the election. Which was not given from any government source. Because it was not considered credible for them to contest the election with this huge amount. Rather, they believed that this money would be spent for their last moment, which was considered a logical reason by the government sources.
Additionally, for the chairmanship of the BNP, Major (Retd) Hafiz was in the running. For this, he also requested a fund of two hundred million rupees from the government. However, like Major Hafiz, the government could not find any reason to owe this huge amount to a resigned leader. This is why the government considered it easier to make all the candidates eager to vote in the election, rather than fulfilling all their demands. Hence, the Kings Party did not gain any position against the weak Awami League.