The world got 10 Nobel winners in 16 years, America got only Yunus

The United States has many ways to put pressure on the governments of every country to implement its agenda around the world. Dr. Bangladesh. Yunus is such a marketeer. He has repeatedly taken a stand against Bangladesh on various issues including the Padma Bridge.

Dr. Yunus received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Then, in the last 16 years, 10 individuals and 6 organizations have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Whose names are hardly heard. But only Hillary Clinton, World Bank or Western diplomats have a close relationship with Dr. Yunus. Is the reason just friendship? Or something more?

In 1994, Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Movement, also received the Nobel Peace Prize. But he never got the support of the West to protect his country's independence. So the calculation of who will get the Nobel Peace Prize is also very confusing.

But Dr. Yunus' position is not at all confusing. Although he is a citizen of Bangladesh, he speaks in the tone of American diplomats. Sometimes he formed a political party, sometimes he lobbied to block the World Bank loan in Bangladesh. But does not say a single word about the Rohingya problem.

Dr. Yunus is being used in any plan:

Analysts said, Dr. Yunus was given the Nobel Prize at a time of political turmoil in Bangladesh. In 2006, when the Awami League movement against the BNP government was going on, and there was a fear that the army would take power, Dr. Yunus was sent to Bangladesh with the Nobel Prize.

After receiving the Nobel Prize, he called for the handing over of the Cornful River Triangle to the United States. Which was a long-standing demand of the United States. Both Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia were delighted to hear this, because they never accepted this demand while in power.

After the army-backed government came to power. Yunus tried to form a political party. It was hoped that the people who were frightened by the two parties may Dr. Yunus's new team will accept. But his political party could not come close to BNP and Awami League.

Experts say that the United States has many ways to put pressure on the governments of every country to implement its agenda around the world. Dr. Bangladesh. Yunus is such a marketeer. He has repeatedly taken a stand against Bangladesh on various issues including the Padma Bridge.

It is not wrong to get the Nobel Peace Prize, nor is it wrong to be a politician. But after winning the Nobel Peace Prize and becoming known to people, it is harmful to use that recognition politically. And this work has been done in a very planned way. Efforts are being made to influence the politics of Bangladesh through him. And this is the main reason for Yunus's friendship with the West.

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