The importance of BNP has decreased; the West wants to advance with Dr. Yunus.

BNP's social activists have already started talking about the issue, they say, why did the government opponents leave their work. Are they jumping so much with Yunus? Dr. Yunus's problem is not BNP's problem. Even the West has not lost sight of how quickly it turned its back on the BNP after the election. They say that the United States was eager to find an alternative to BNP. That is why the country started paying attention to Yunus immediately after the election.

The current superpower of the world is the USA. So, what does this country want? Its focus becomes crucial in our politics repeatedly.

Just a few days ago, the most important thing for the United States was the national election of the country. BNP was at the height of discussion on that basis. Whether this party will participate in the election, whether Mirza Fakhrul went to jail, these were the topics of discussion. But after the election, that wind changed. Now, the subject of discussion is Dr. Yunus.

After Dr. Yunus came into the discussion, the BNP movement, the election debate, everything has been suppressed. Grameen Bank and its institutions have gained importance instead. But the most important thing is, Dr. Yunus is now not only talking about his personal business, he is now talking about the country's democracy, human rights, and elections. The discussion was reserved for BNP until now.

Experts say the way the situation is changing is not comfortable for BNP politics. Because when the United States is increasing Dr. Yunus's stature and when all political statements against the government. When Yunus is being made, the work of BNP has become limited.

It is feared that BNP's politics will be more limited in the future and preparations are being made with the help of the US to fill this void. Yunus. So it can be assumed that in the future, Dr. Yunus, not BNP, will become an American asset on the soil of Bangladesh.

BNP's social activists have already started talking about the issue, they say, why did the government opponents leave their work. Are they jumping so much with Yunus? Dr. Yunus's problem is not BNP's problem. Even the West has not lost sight of how quickly it turned its back on the BNP after the election. They say that the United States was eager to find an alternative to BNP. That is why the country started paying attention to Yunus immediately after the election.

BNP activists say that the West had 'negotiated' with BNP a few days ago. But now they are 'negotiating' with Dr. Yunus. The West is now using Yunus as a pawn to play against the government. And through this, the issues of establishing democracy and elections are now slipping out of the hands of BNP. Therefore, it can be said that the United States is now giving priority to Yunus, not the election.

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