Who are the separatist Kuki-Chin of Bangladesh?

The Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF), an armed group, has recently been active in Bangladesh's hilly Chittagong region, causing disruptions. They were involved in a brazen bank robbery in Ruma and Thanchi upazilas of Bandarban. The KNF, with its military wing called the Kuki Chin Army, has plans extending into parts of Myanmar, China's Kachin State, and India's Manipur State. Recent reports also suggest their presence in India's Mizoram state

Bangladesh's hilly Chittagong, a land of natural beauty, boasts the world's longest sea beach in Cox's Bazar, and from the Sundarbans to the mountains, this country in South Asia is rich in diversity. However, in recent times, the tranquility of the hills has been disrupted by the armed group known as the Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF). The question arises: who are the KNF, and who is supporting this armed organization?

According to sources, the KNF had come into discussion last year, providing training and support to militants. On the night of April 2, they brazenly looted millions from two banks in Ruma and Thanchi upazilas of Bandarban.

The military wing of the KNF is called the Kuki Chin Army. The KNF was founded in 2008, and activities began in 2022. Their influence extends across parts of Myanmar, China's Kachin State, and India's Manipur State bordering the hilly Chittagong region. They have mapped out a strategic plan, encompassing nearly half of the Kuki Chin region. The map includes Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India's borders.

Recent discussions in a meeting of BGB and BSF revealed that the KNF has established camps in the mountains of India's Mizoram state. They also have connections with separatists from India and Myanmar. There is a grand plan to create a separate state with Bangladesh's Rakhine. Even some political leaders in Bangladesh have ties with the Kuki Chin. They have also been known to collaborate with representatives of the silent society. This is because they receive a share of the extortion money from the Kuki Chin regularly, as per sources.

Security analysts state, "KNF is affiliated with JSS (original), JSS (Reform), UPDF (original), UPDF (Reform), and INTHAN. They are united in the conspiracy to separate the hilly regions from Bangladesh. Therefore, any compromise with them is not appropriate. Like the development that has taken place in all 63 districts of the country, extensive development has also occurred here. No foreign country should support them with money and weapons. The government needs to take strict measures to eradicate them. Giving them any leeway will not be appropriate."

This news sheds light on the concerning activities of the KNF and their presence in the region, calling for attention from authorities to address this issue promptly.


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